Voacanga Africana 250 Grams (Root Bark)


According to a research conducted on a mouse model that was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, the root bark extract of Voacanga Africana tend to improve the motor coordination of the mouse model, as well as reduced its depressive behavior.

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All of it comes from the fact that this plant has always been perceived as an African psychedelic. Although it has a lot of medical benefits, but the circulation of this plant has always been questioned because of the naturally present hallucinogen that can have dissociative properties on a person.

However, back in the year 1955, in an attempt to promote the pharmaceutical profile of the plant, a patent for a process of extracting three of its alkaloids was filed. These alkaloids according to the claim, were useful for treating heart problems.

However, unlike all the psychedelic herbs out there, the psychedelic effects hasn’t really outweighed the benefits of Voacanga Africana and thus, it’s still being considered for its medicinal benefits. For instance, the concoction of its stem bark, leaves and roots are used to heal wounds, sores, eczema, and other fungal infections.

If you too want to get a taste of this amazingly beneficial plant, look up Mimosa Root Shop today.

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